“Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake
of dreaming that
I am persecuted whenever
I am contradicted”
Waldo Emerson
This needs to be seen, read and understood.
communication means that we will have points we do not agree on.
This can lead
to great conversations that can bring education and understanding of another's
views. **Keep your hot temper and need to be correct to yourself.** Discuss it.
Drop all the 'political correctness' that only leads to derision. Stop looking
to be offended by every innocuous comment.
Be objective, listen, explain,
learn, discuss.
In this time of division and derision let's be honest, open
and willing to discuss.
Not tolerance, but acceptance that we can all have
different opinions.
So long as we do no harm, know that it is okay.
In this time when our 'civilization' is built on division,
let's choose UNITY.